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#ObsidianMFG Blog

Susanne Nordman
Sep 17, 20232 min read
OEM Product Serial Number Validation
As part of our quality assurance and to avoid any misrepresentation by those reselling our products, we have implemented a policy of...

Ben Nordman
Apr 24, 20232 min read
Sue Nordman Named as One of 40 Women in Manufacturing to Follow in 2023
ObsidianMFG President Sue Nordman has been named by Source Day as one of the 40 Women in Manufacturing to Follow in '23

Susanne Nordman
Apr 12, 20232 min read
The Role of Manufacturing on Earth Day
We’ve all heard the phrase “reduce, reuse, recycle”, but how much thought do we actually put into making changes that will benefit our envir

Ben Nordman
Mar 16, 20234 min read
Marketing in MFG: Making the Most of a Small Budget
A guide for manufacturers that don't have the big company budget on how to get started in marketing.

Ben Nordman
Feb 13, 20231 min read
Why is stainless steel so difficult to surface grind?
Typically when faced with surface grinding stainless steel, many companies turn it away. It is the unwanted material of a surface grinding.

Susanne Nordman
Feb 2, 20234 min read
Equipment Breakdown Insurance
The importance of insuring your heavy machinery. The recent pandemic that shook the whole world was especially frightening for small...

Ben Nordman
Jan 12, 20235 min read
TikTokMFG: Using the latest trends to connect
TikTok has taken over. How can we apply this new age of information and content sharing in manufacturing?

Susanne Nordman
Sep 21, 20222 min read
Employee Spotlight September: Nick Rivers
Nick Rivers: Employee Spotlight September

Susanne Nordman
Aug 26, 20222 min read
Employee Spotlight August: Sue Nordman
Employee Spotlight August: Sue Nordman.
President of Obsidian Manufacturing Ind. answers some questions about herself and the company.

Susanne Nordman
Aug 12, 20224 min read
The New Age of Marketing in Manufacturing: How to get started on a modern marketing strategy
Many in manufacturing sales and marketing teams are forging new ways of working together to gain new customers with digital marketing.

Susanne Nordman
Jul 29, 20221 min read
Employee Spotlight July: Curt Vangsness
Employee spotlight with Curt Vangsness and Emily Kite. Introduce yourself: Hi, I am Curt Vangsness and I am the Shop Foreman for Obsidian...

Susanne Nordman
Jul 1, 20222 min read
Employee Spotlight June: David Nordman
Employee spotlight with David Nordman and Emily Kite. Introduce yourself: Hi, I am David Nordman and I am the Vice President for Obsidian...

Susanne Nordman
May 27, 20221 min read
Employee Spotlight May: Emily Kite- Marketing Assistant
Employee spotlight interview with Emily Kite and Ben Nordman. Introduce yourself: Hi, I am Emily Kite and I am the Marketing Assistant...

Susanne Nordman
May 23, 20222 min read
Three Ways to Improve Your Overall Mental Health
The way we make decisions in life and how we handle stressful situations is considered part of our mental health.

Susanne Nordman
Nov 15, 20213 min read
Blanchard Grinding
Rotary surface grinding is often referred to as Blanchard grinding because it removes large amounts of stock quickly and efficiently.

Ben Nordman
Sep 30, 20213 min read
The ABCs of Obsidian Manufacturing Industries
With school in session once again for kids, we're taking you to school with the ABCs of #ObsidianMFG

Ben Nordman
Jun 3, 20213 min read
Obsidian Manufacturing Grinding Safety Tips
Leading off National Safety Month, #ObsidianMFG gives you some tips and tricks about how to keep safety first when surface grinding.

Ben Nordman
Apr 30, 20214 min read
#ObsidianMFG and Earth Month: Saving Green and Going Green
April is Earth Month and the proper way to celebrate and bring awareness to being greener is with an #ObsidianMFG and Earth Month crossover.

Ben Nordman
Mar 18, 20212 min read
Women in Manufacturing: A History of Underrepresentation
For decades, women have been a minority in the manufacturing industry, and the trend is holding steady as of late.

Ben Nordman
Jan 11, 20212 min read
Equipment Breakdown Insurance - Protecting Your Profits
Breakdowns are part of manufacturing, but it should not cost you valuable time and money. This is where breakdown insurance comes in handy.
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